San Diego Fire Sprinkler Systems

San Diego Fire Sprinkler Systems

Fire has long been a hazard in buildings, homes and structures. Over 100 years ago textile mills began using manual fire sprinkler systems to aid and help in the prevention of fire. In 1881 the first automatic fire sprinkler system was created which tremendously aided in the prevention of fires since the plumbing of the system became automatic. Since 1874 Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems have been in use in America to help aid in prevention of catastrophic fires which have caused death, injury, and loss of the structure and its assets.

Building Codes
San Diego requires that many of the buildings and structures have fire sprinkler systems to help protect in the event of a fire. These fire codes are created by the California Building Standards Commission and are frequently to help avoid death and damage to property. Fire codes are updated frequently the last published fire codes were in 2007, they are now being revised for 2011.

Types of Fire Protection
There are several ways to help protect your building and structure from fire hazard and fire damage. We have listed several of these systems below:
  • Wet Pipe Fire Sprinkler Systems
    • A very simple and reliable fire sprinkler system, that has only a few moving parts such as the automatic sprinkler heads, and automatic alarm valves. Lower costs to maintain and operate.
  • Dry Pipe Fire Sprinkler Systems
    • Generally installed in locations where colder temperatures can be a factor and possibly freeze pipes that feed the fire sprinkler heads. There are usually many parts, in creating a dry pipe system which means higher installation and maintenance costs.
  • Deluge Fire Sprinkler Systems
    • For specific coverage over an area, where there is a concern of rapid fire spreading. All sprinkler heads are open on the fire sprinkler system, and cause a deluge of water, usually triggered by heat detectors, smoke detectors or smoke alarms.
  • Pre-Action Fire Sprinkler Systems
    • Installed in locations such as museums, or where rare works are located, generraly they require several triggers (ie: heat detectors, smoke detectors, and smoke alarms) before they will allow the water rain down. This helps in the event of accidental alarm pulls, or triggers.
  • Foam Fire Sprinkler Systems
    • For a very specific application of fire hazard protection, or where water is not the best solution to put out a pending fire, foam fire sprinkler systems are created. Foam products vary depending on the specific application.
In San Diego, we provide a wide range of services to help you design, install, inspect and maintain your fire sprinkler system. We are able to assist with your residential or commercial needs, please contact us today.